Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fairy Tale

I was surfing aimlessly when i stumble upon this article -  "A West Virginia woman discovers she's an African princess". It is very interesting, i must say. The irony part of this "Fairy tales" is that its not all castle and crown for this lady, instead it changes the way she lives. Being the pricess of an African tribe that has been driven to poverty by the rebel is not an easy task. Now her plans is to set up a fund for building of schools. Ever wonder that while we are complaining about the being fat, the weather is too hot, lunching near office is a hassle becos we are sick of the food around us and the central office aircon is cold making us sick. People in some other part of the world are contantly hungry, poor and their lifes are at risk... It a little far to touch those people out there while we are here, but maybe we shld take some time to look at people nearer to us or our community.

1 comment:

sarah said...

i read that too! but you know what irritates me the most? is how, in this era of technology and information, people still refer to africa as one place... its a continent with different countries and different problems. we aren't all one huge place with one huge problem. and then by amalgamating all these problems into one it just breeds desensitisation.

and one woman building schools in africa? great stuff. but there are countries here that need food, but that dont have the bonus of suddenly having an american princess to catapult them into world media


sorry ;) i'm not usually so negative, but its just something that makes me mad!